Meet Kelly
Kelly Conrardy is the Legal Talent Director and works out of the firm's Milwaukee office. She joined the firm in 2000 and manages all aspects of attorney recruitment for the firm's six offices in Milwaukee, Madison, Appleton, Green Bay, and Eau Claire, WI; and Washington, D.C. Kelly oversees the entry-level and lateral recruiting initiatives and is responsible for attorney orientations, evaluations, advisor programs and the summer associate program.
Kelly is a member of the firm's Recruiting, Associates, Summer Associates, and Diversity committees. Her primary responsibilities include managing on-campus interviewing, lateral attorney recruiting, the summer associate program, the associate advisory program, and the firm's diversity and scholarship programs.
Kelly was an award recipient for the Wisconsin Law Journal's "Unsung Heroes" Award, which honors non-attorney staff who have made outstanding contributions to their firms and the courts.
Master of Business Administration, Concordia University
Bachelor of Arts, University of Iowa
Milwaukee Curling Club, Kiltie Vice President (2008-2009); President (2009-2010)
Pi Beta Phi Milwaukee Alumnae Club, President (2004-2006; 2011-2013)
Wisconsin Law Journal Unsung Hero Human Resources Award Winner (2009)
Wisconsin Law Journal Unsung Hero Honoree (2006)